Thursday, January 13, 2011

Chasing the Naughty Sorceress

The Naughty Sorceress from the Kingdom of Loathing

Back in the day (the day being sometime around 1974), I used to play a game called Dungeons and Dragons. I was an enthusiastic player for a number of years, until I wasn't. I lost interest, and so did my friends. The thrill was gone. I stopped playing role playing games, cold turkey. I moved on to other things, and so did most of my friends. I cast no more spells, and adventured underground no more. Orcs were safe in my presence, unless they were very annoying.

This has all changed. I now adventure again, in a place called  The Kingdom of Loathing. Don't ask me why, because I really don't know. I do know that I am in good company and having fun, so I'm just rolling with it. Last night I earned the "Right Tool for the Job" trophy by adventuring 100 times in the Haunted Bathroom of Spookyraven Manor armed with a Gnollish Autoplunger.

That's a  tool I could use in the real world. The toilet has been acting up, and my arm is getting tired using the old-fashioned regular old plunger. Sadly, Gnollish Autoplungers appear to be unavailable for ready money. Later tonight, you can find me looking for Boris's key, which is hidden somewhere in the Kingdom of Loathing. With that key, the Naughty Sorceress is toast! Yes indeed!

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