Dreaming in Chinese: Mandarin Lessons in Life, Love and Language by Deborah Fallows

What Skokie is Reading
from The Bookshelf by LynnanneAs part of our Winter Reading program, we are encouraging you readers to write your own reviews of books when you enter them on your reading log. Many readers have already contributed book reviews and, during the course of the Winter Reading program, we will share with you some of these wonderful reviews.
Today’s review is of The Wordy Shipmate by Sarah Vowell:
This book, written by a former contributing editor and consigliore of the radio show “This American Life”, is a fascinating, penetrating, personal and funny book about the Puritan settlers who emigrated to the New World to build a “city upon a hill”. Few authors could get me interested in the minutiae of Protestant theology, yet I found myself reading eagerly about things such as “the covenant of grace” and “the covenant of works”. Not to mention all the other goings on – banishments, cruel and unusual punishments, the conjoined church and state, wars with the Native Americans and a legion of strong personalities with serious differences of opinions and only a little tolerance. These people, their issues and the events surrounding them, still resonate today beyond the cans of baked beans available in every supermarket.
Click here to find out what Skokie is reading and reviewing and to register for the Winter Reading program.