Saturday, December 25, 2010

Holy crap! I haven't posted here since August!

Earlier today, I removed a semi-frozen 1 pound, 15 ounce solid chunk of pork shoulder from the fridge and cut it into smaller pieces. Being semi-frozen made it easier to cut up, but my left hand sure got pretty cold. It was a necessary sacrifice for the plan. Miss Lizzy will make the pickle meat and rice; I'll make the red beans. I can't wait. I love beans and rice, especially red beans and rice. One of the worst parts about having cancer was the truly awful food I was given to eat while incarcerated in Rush North Shore hospital. Exactly once, and only once in all the time that I was an inmate there did they serve red beans and rice. They were beyond adequate, they were actually pretty good. They were one of the few things that actually smelled appetizing when you lifted off the cover over the plate. Of course, that meant that they had to remove it from the menu, to better inflict the patients with more poorly cooked chicken, mystery meat and dry turkey sandwiches with no readily available mustard. You know, healthy food.

Such bad memories. Enough of that.

I wasted some more time today playing Kingdom of Loathing. Great fun! I finally killed Ed the Undying, got the Holy MacGuffin and had a ticker tape parade. Then I discovered that I could adventure in the CRIMBCO WC while falling down drunk, so a had a few more Salty Dogs and hit the head to fight some hobelfs. Yeah, baby! Unlike in the real world, in the Kingdom of Loathing I'm the man. That's one of the cool things about KOL.

In the real world, Miss Lizzy and I went to Starbucks to get out of the house. George was there, and being a true gentleman and scholar, he bought Miss Lizzy a Eggnog Latte and me an Americano. We spent some time chatting, and I got to talk geek with George for a while. I love talking geek. I get to do it so little these days. I told him about the current status of my great vaporware project, BrikWars Arena and my current Project Euler woes. Yup, I talked too much. I need to learn how to curb my enthusiasm a bit.

So Happy Crimbo to all, and to all, a good night.